1,256 Comments for Foxboro State Hospital

That place looks just like it was left yesterday!
Much appreciated Motts, I too come here often to check for updates, and I'm always thrilled to see more of your great work. Thank you!
I love that fact that you got them in the shot, I love the colours in this picture! And their lights just add to that. Beautiful!
What a hauntingly beautiful picture Motts..... just perfect.
Great composition and lines.
*dies at Drikar's comment* I would have died. lol
This is incredible intreaguing (sorry for the bad spelling). I'm gonna ask around. See if anyone has a clue.
that is so weird. It looks like it is like.. rocking. awesome.
I love it. One of my favorites. It is perfect
love the exposed brick!
The BEST in this bunch I have seen yet!
LOVE the symmetry
fantastic shot. It would have been cool to do a different perspective as well
love it love it love it
Was this picture taken in pitch blackness with a slow shutter speed? If so, what do you normally use to illuminate objects in pitch black rooms, and how long do you normally leave your shutter open?