592 Comments for Lungenkrankenhaus Thalberg

The building is taking an oxygen treatment! Opening the window lets it breathe and helps cut down on mold.
eldokid, It kind of appears that the leaded part of the glass has been bent forward, i dont know for sure, but its a mind blower!
I keep looking and looking at this until my eyes are blown out and I still cannot figure out the angle of this or what it is actually a shot of. . . .
incorrigible, distressing, treacherous, provoking, vexatious, abominable
WHY are all the windows in this place open?
Looks like a bunch of bats hanging out on the ceiling (or is it a gaggle of bats...a herd...a swarm??)
Is it my eyes or does the wall on the right look like it's bowed in somewhat? Is that a clock over the center door transom?
Another great gallery. Thank you, Motts!
I love how all the doors are always open... it just begs me to come exploring!
Like the windows in this shot.
Nyce Window....
Interesting Window
Me: "A dark shadow? What do you mean by--AAAAA!" LOL I know it's, you know, either Motts or someone who was with him, but the way it blends in with the background until suddenly it doesn't is great, very creepy.
in the far right corner looks like a a large toilet