1,522 Comments for Metropolitan State Hospital

Wow...Motts, wow...it's all i can say. This is a stunning shot! Color, texture, lighting...it has it all!
A little mold never killed anyone...wait...

Well, I agree with Lynne and Jude here! The colors and textures are amazing. The light does bring a sense of calm to the photo...beautiful.
I love this photo! I just love the light...it's so awe-inspiring...and it happens everyday...to think we don't notice the sunrise and sunsets as often as we should...the light that's cast...beautiful!
Agree with Lynne times a million!
Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool! This shot is SO spectacular! I've always wanted to go inside a clock tower! Oh...I'm giddy over this shot! :0)
I LOVE this shot, Motts! The lighting is amazing! Gorgeous!

An impromptu Ode to the Dentist By: Bri
My dentist is evil, I swear
He always hurts me when I sit in his chair
I have narry and cavity
But narry does not count
For he pokes and prods
He doesn't care an ounce
I bleed and choke
But my teeth are "clean"
This funny, funny bloke
Wants to make them gleam
My dentist is evil, I swear it is true
If you don't believe me go visit him
Take warning...he'll do the same to you!

Awwwwwwwwwwwww...pretty shot!
Love the light sneaking in at the top of the boards!!
Desktop would be good, how about some pics to use as Myspace backgrounds!!
Heheh nope, but I should have phrased it as they will require their logo on every piece of clothing one wears..sockes, shoes, etc. We had the logo on our shirts twice....once on the shirt, one on the nametag. And they were both on the same side because we had to wear the nametag on the left side *headdesk*
scary, I had a tooth pulled last week!!!
They could use the money they spent to have those upper windows boarded up to preserve places like these!!!
Mt. Motts? Dead Presidents, move over!!!!
I hope that helps Mr. Motts!;-)....... And....Holy Shit I made the first comment on A pic!! new gallery!!!! Opening a beer, time to explore!! thanks Mr. Motts Ed from Oregon
My little Antonio, such a filthy mind! 8`-)