1,522 Comments for Metropolitan State Hospital

Though I will probably be hated for this, I feel that this shot gives the urge to throw a stone through that window - the only connection to the outside world. I must say, this shot gives me an onset of claustrophobia...
There was an unfortunate arson incident at the CTG building, I believe. Read the article here: http://www.opacity.us/...t_arson_in_blaze.htm
I recommend that people not go to Metro anymore due to some rumors I have heard and some recent events that have taken place. The biggest rumor was that my friend said he was talking to a police officer on the Waltham PD about the place, and he said that they found a man dead in one of the buildings, and combined with many tips of people saying that they have seen many people going into the place, the Police will be installing security cameras all around the place to catch trespassers. Also, the event that happened was that on of the buildings, where the medical records was set on fire, suspected arson. It is currently under investigation. Be Careful!
A Visitors Couch Maybe?
I Agree. I can also see a face. with piercing eyes. and i'm not game to look at it again
Reminds me of a place that used to haunt my dreams during my depression, only the light wasn't there.

It's an awesome photo. Just creepy.

On the rare occasion that they actually put a crazy person in there, these would send them crazier xD
That's absolutely freaking creepy. It gives me the feeling that more than one someone has been pushed down those stairs =/

Sweet photo though, the way that it's like the light bits, and the dark corner.
It's freaky. It gives me the impression the walls are coming to meet you. And they aren't very welcoming. If you stare at it hard enough it looks like blood though.

I Love it, in a creepy way
I'm guessing the radiators would be covered for the safety of the patients?

Awesome photo
I Agree With Seraph. That's almost exactly what I was gonna say
That shot created a flashback for me. A dentist who worked on the patients at Danvers State, was named Dr. Fang. No lie!
This looks like the scene from Little Shop of Horrors -- the one with Jack Nicholson -- check it out -- same dentist chair --
i want that chair here in my house
I had a furcolo on one of my coats way back -- don't wear fur any more! Love my caffeine!