1,522 Comments for Metropolitan State Hospital

I was just on the grounds today, all that is still standing is the chapel and graveyards. My dad worked there in the late 70's/early 80's as a custodian. He does not have very nice things to say about it.
Epical shot Motts!!!
I rememer, they were the "KILROY WAS HERE " of our bunch. I drew a couple of them in CTG A BLDG. in 1974, but that one isn't mine. I'd be happy to share my experiences @ MSH via email. eddiegellis@gmail.com Patient : 1973-!986. PEACE PEOPLE
Those were called the cages. it is where we could get some air, and alittlt privacy. I was a pt. 1973-1986. Want some history? eddiegellis@gmail.com
See my message @ Previous Image. I was there 45 years ago. I got some eyewitness stories for ya. For REAL!
I was a patient at this M S H , c.1973-86. !973, Admitted to R2 (reception),there several times lasting 1-2 mos 'till 1974-5, then transferred to A-1 (chronic ward) 'till 1975. Went to DMH sponsored Community in Waltham TOC, (Task Oriented Communities), for one year. Lived in Cambridge, MA ( manly Harvard SQ.). Went back to Dual Diagnosis Unit, (Forget which particular bldg., but it was in the "Back Wards". A Bldg, possibly.) Subsequently spent short periods of time @ Community & General (psych)Hospitals in and around Boston. I well remember taking many meal in the Dining Hall. Anyone wishin more info. about my stays @ MSH may write me @ : eddiegellis@gmail.com PEACE :)
Yes some of the residents here did commit crimes - most notably, Melvin W. Wilson, who dismembered another resident in 1978, buried her body parts on hospital grounds, and kept her teeth.
How could these people be bad they didn't commit any crimes. They were locked up because someone didn't want to be around them I think that is wrong. I don't know how people can look at places like this, and think this was the right thing to do. Imagine being treated this way knowing you will probably never leave this place.
What an awesome shot!
I love this site the pics and the comments on them are awesome! As I was a patient in the eighties (stupid drunken crap I pulled cutting, etc.) this site has inspired me to wite a story thanx for the facts I couldn't find a contact link so I leave this comment here.
Hey you good people at opacity.us I'm a 44 year old writer when I was a younger fellow I had some drug and alcohol problems and wound up doing two stretches one month a piece (I tried to commit suicide while I was drunk and high) at Met State I swear some of the things I saw there (This was back in the early eighties) frightened me bad enough to make all my little hairs stand on end! I love this site it's giving me some good background for a story I'm writing about the place. Thanx again!
Excellent work! Loved the shots!
I believe the TB sanitarium Jane refers to is the next block over = Met County Hospital. It too, is gone. That was what was known as The Wellington House, a current existing Waltham historical building.
Yeah, kind of defeats the purpose, I mean it would seem these metal coverings would get just as hot and burn the crap out the patients.
The title suits it well.