328 Comments for Essex County Penitentiary

That is a toilet sink combo. Some of the other cells in here you can see it in stainless. In another, older jail / prison post on the site, Motts has pictures from behind the cells where you can see how these toilets stick out from the backs of the cells and empty down .... pretty nasty stuff!
Weird to see xrays propped up in a window, but I guess that was the work of a previous indiividual who wanted to goof around
Looks like it'd have been better with the bricks than whatver once covered it
Such a touching find in such a unloving place
It looks like less of a booth and more of a phone mounted to the bars. And guess E.T. phoned home, got released, and fled town
Musings of an inmate or of someone else? Dont know how the inmates wouldve had access to markers, so I want to think the latter, though that just sounds weird to write
They took the benches but left the tables, tables that look great up top but look awful as you look down
Funny how it is the new building and it looks so much worse than the old building
Why is that American flag backwards? And looks like someone popped a few rounds into the booth judging by the bullet holes
From the rusty and dingy to the industrial and aged. It is like two totally differant locations
Looks more like a guy than a gal to me. And gods, what was s/he thinking wearing that horrendous get up?
So looks like that nook from the earlier photo was just a toilet. Kind of a weird position for it to be in though
How is it the older cell block looks far nicer than the newer one?
Too bad that beautiful stone was just so causally crushed up into powder and tossed away like garbage. Our tax dollars sure like to go to destroying nice things
Except for that giant gaping hole on the right wall, seems this area has held up better. Plus it seems much cleaner too