1,384 Comments for Gaebler Children's Center

I don't remember this room specifically, but I do believe it was an office of sorts, or maybe for laundry. Also, I remember they did have some rooms that were used for keeping various types of "equipment" life restraints and there was a special "bed" if you will that had leather belt restraints on it that could be wheeled out and used at any time.
I was IN THIS PLACE- In Jan-March of1986!! Wow, this is crazy to see these pics.
If anyone out there-who has spent time in gaebler's, email me? I would like to know more about the conditions and treatments used in this place when it was open.

I tried to find Gaebler today. [Administration: Edited as per site policy] A huge disappointment as I was hoping to shoot some video.
thats just a tad bit disturbing .
nasty for sure .
wow that is scarry, that looks almost exactly what my elementary school looked like.
hi Gaebler school girl, you are a very smart person, You have every right to feel as angry as you write. Icannot even imagine what your childhood was like. I hope that you can put all those experiences into something positivem like working with emotionally disturbed children, there is so much child abuse out there, the world is just full of kids who believe they aren't worth shit, and really would benefit from someone such as ypurself to help them. you are living proof that God don't make junk! You are a survivor sweety, Congatulations, and God Bless you !
scarred walls that scarred so many lives... seems only fitting doesn't it ?
Burt and Ernie gone deranged.........
Another shot only you could take. Amazing...
hey does anyone know how to get to this place from portland Maine????i need directions, also how is it getting into the building is it hard
The developers are true idiots or they would not demolish the site.
oh, and Motts I neglected to mention how good you are at all of this, but its a given. you have got brass balls of enormous breadth my friend. its amazing how beauty can exist in all this straight up ugliness.
dude, its a cannibal corpse song. end of story.
the guy probably couldnt think of anything else to write. it happens.
indeed... surreal!!! skulls, a satanic priest, an inverted cross and even what seems to depic a big fat and circumcised penis playing the role of the gold pot at the end of the rainbow where blue skyes embrace snow white clowds and the most beautiful smiling and shiny yellow sun, all together sharing the same canvas which I think represents our our existance as it ... but what's the nature of the man that could possibly be in the middle with no lines between wrong and right, good and evil, God and Devil at the same time and able to appreciate it's beauty all together as it is without segregation?... wait, wait... I see dark clothing... something like a tripoid... a lens..... ohhh sh** it's Motts!!!!