1,384 Comments for Gaebler Children's Center

Flushed, I am so sorry they deleted your comments and memories, and I don't believe for one minute that your stories weren't true, people just seem to find it really hard to believe that things like this went on behind closed locked doors, that place was worse then jail. OMG!!!! just makes me so angry that someone who doesn't even know you or us could be so mean and nasty....I pray people like that,never have to experience what we did and I pray if they have kids that they don't ever do to them what our parents and the dept of mental health did to us.....
The site mods deleted the posts at that link I provided. He/she was quite nasty about it too. Apparently my memories are just a bunch of accusations.
I'm very glad it has connected people back together!

Thanks for this sight. It has let me reconnect with alot of old friends that I lived here with along making some new one that have shared the same humiliation that we all suffered while here. I am glad I found it.

Legally, I believe HIPAA rules only apply to covered entities, to which this website nor former patients fall under.

However, I do agree that posting the names of people who may not want that kind of information to be public is something that should certainly be taken into consideration. This is why I remove names from photos of documents or other signage that I find in hospitals and psychiatric facilities.

I will most likely be adding this to my short list of rules, and removing the last names from people's comments. If you would like to discuss former residents of an institution and must use their last names, addresses or other personal information, I would ask that the conversation be moved off of this public forum. I think it's the decent thing to do.
One more thing there are a couple of posts missing at that link. Too bad I didn't record them before they were deleted. I had got lazy and started posting direct and copying later and well I guess someone had the posts deleted because I exposed something. If only I could see them again I would know what direction to look in.
Hey Pookie! everyone. I lost this page when Motts changed the site. I did not remember what it was since I was using the latest post function to get here. Anyway some guy worried about people posting names on the cornered page posted in the forum asking they be removed and i came to look and recognized stuff and started surfing and found my old posts. Here is where I began posting stuff in November 2013 http://www.topix.com/f...nj/TV02FNMT3GE8K208B
It was a bad day on waking then I realized I had forgotten something I had remembered the day before that had made me quite hopeful. I figure it was something that would lead to finding others. Anyway how I got out of the funk that time was to start recording my returning memories and thoughts as they came so that I would have a record. I posted them hoping to find others. No luck from that site. I did find one guy who was there before I was born who described the same things. We spoke for a week and in that 7 days he got triggered and cut me off. He had survived by suppressing everything. His life was hard and he had been in prison for a long time too as were his brothers still. The older brother has died and the younger is still inside. His brothers were in there with him as well.
If you try to read this it is not a linear story. It is the recording of memory fragments as they return out of sequence. Take it easy reading it. The stuff is horrifying and very ugly. I also add in what has happened since I was triggered to remember in my attempts to get my records and police action.
I hope everyone is doing well I have kept on keeping on. I know a little more now about my PTSD than I did previously and understand that a lot of why I cannot get help is how the abuse and the PTSD affects the way I see things and therefore describe them.
Yea :) Just cause I still exist and find ways to cope does not mean I have not and do not suffer.
Back again reading over the sight. I hope Joseph Pimental is doing well even though I do not see new posts on this page.
I reread your post that I responded to and it seems odd to me that I did not recognize and mention that feeling of paralysis you describe. In REM sleep some mechanism of the brain paralyses the body so you don't injure yourself while running around in your dreams. You describe a state I endured for years after being sent on to just as abusive foster care from the hell hole I was in. I have deduced that it was me in REM sleep becoming conscious of being in that state but not realizing I was asleep. It also happens when I stop breathing in my sleep and forces me awake. Turns out I have sleep apnea.
If this was happening as a child and started then I would bet money it was PTSD related to whatever happened to you in Gaebler. I only figured out since my last post here that I have had PTSD since my time in custody as a child, possible even from before then.
Anyway I hope you are well and have worked out the causes of what ails you. Even if you can't fix it knowing is some relief.
chill out Mr Williams they are all former residents speaking to each other about the people they knew trying to connect with each other. If you had been locked in a hell hole maybe you'd understand how it stays with you forever regardless of what you try to do.
You guys need to stop posting people's last names because if your signing your real name, repercussions can happen regarding medical privacy violation, i.e. HIPPA [the health care privacy act]. If you need to find people to connect from this school, I kindly suggest that you do so off of this public forum and through e-mail or over the phone. You are potentially violating the privacy of these former patients.
Please edit the post by Tina Marie Serir Abdallah on Tuesday, March 15th 2016. She listed FULL names of the students and that is a privacy breach and potentially can bring a lawsuit against this website. Just remove the last names of the last two students listed for their privacy.

Nice to hear your comments. I'm glad another person that was there has left a comment and talk a little of there past while there. When were you there if you don't mind my asking??
I meant to say I used to live there at gaebler I want to clarify that message it was mispronouncing and spell obviously I can't spell either
I wants lived in gabler on the d ward and I do believe that place to be haunted domain X on Halloween we experienced some really weird stuff maybe or may not realize it is a form of Native American burial ground Outback but one of the best times I can remember was going to treat a pit it was a nice experience even if they had made many mistakes in the past the small time that I spent there but not as bad as people think people are human they can only go as far as they tried and resources and he did as best they could considering what they had out of there to good people there that works like doctors my occupational therapist and I came out of it a better person for what it was I always remember the time I spent there I never forget but we did about the dark past is sad and tragic I'm glad I didn't know about it those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it those who obsess on it and never move forward it is tragic what happened to those people died sad almost I'm glad I had did not have that knowledge when I live there because I'm not sure how well I could have dealt with that situation I think the staff and the doctors did the best they could The Shield us from the past and for that I am grateful to prove that place could still have bad memories but still good people that were working there it shows that just because the place has a bad history doesn't mean they're good people didn't try to work there so it's good to see the property we put in the proper used for good reason I hope you all have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving