1,384 Comments for Gaebler Children's Center

Why is that there is it there to cheer the people up ..... it also rude to do that to my point of view
Boiler 1220,
I can't believe they are finally going to take down the building, I was just there and I didn't see any signs except no tresspassing, even thou I did it anyways. I swear to god when I went in there the 1st time a couple months ago my husband and I could hear voices of children screaming and banging on the windows, it was very erie... Shame on the world for locking us up and not giving us the chance to have a childhood....I honestly believes what goes around comes around and I pray that the staff members Jack,Harvery,Joanna and Melodee get what they have coming, they were not nice to us children on Ward D at all, they treated us like we were criminals and slaves and the degraded us all the time....I pray for any children that they might of had...
I am sorry you don't have the means to get here,, because I totally agree with you , that a documentary should be done before the building gets torn down, I think the public needs to know what the hell went on in there and the abuse that we all suffered and maybe this would help others parents in aiding thier children now to not end up in places like this. We were kids, we weren't criminals, we were just kids and it breaks my hear t that we all had to endure this kind of treatment. But, I did meet the best of friends there, and I have never had any friends like the ones I had when I was there. I do keep in touch with a few of them and they are doing well in thier lives. The reason why places like this exist in this world is because there are adults who control kids minds and make them feel like they are all mentally screwed up & that we were a menance to sociiety and that we needed to be out of the public. I was told that I was not mentally stable to be out in the real world, that I had a personality disorder & had an out of control behavior. I skipped school for 4 days with a friend of mine and the next thing I know, I am locked up here. MY mother actually is the one who called DSS on me who called the courts and signed me away and awarded the state custody of me from the time I was 11 til I was 15yrs old. After I left there I had to go to a school for all girls in Arlington,Mass, it was runned by Nuns and there were a few regular staff members at the school, but, we lived in dorms and I had so much freedom and I didn't know what to do with it so I stayed in my room a lot cause that is what I was used to. I was finally able to go home but, the scars of Gaebler and St Germaine School still haunts me til this day. This society should be ashamed of themselves for what they did to us kids,...I will never get over what happened to me and what I witnessed being in Gaebler, but, I am grateful for one thing, the friends I made, they were the best...
I think its bein torn down...thats probab;y why another poster on the first picture said that a city worker said its open to contractors.
I love this mural-I wish I could see it in person. I wish I could play that piano too! : ) Thanks Mr. Motts for taking this picture before all the graffiti and trash came.
@Boiler 1220-That's really great that you were able to take a lot of pics! Do you know what the city is going to do with the building?
Boiler 1220,
I just wanted to let you know that I drive by there all the time, I still live in Waltham..I was a couple months ago tooks,acutally went inside and OMG it's a friggin mess, the place is trashed, there is graffiti everywhere, and broken windows, and glass all over the floors, the toilets and sinks are ripped out and it's just horrible, there are rooms that I never knew existed the doors were always locked except for where us kids were allowed to go...I posted the pictures on my facebook cause I can't figure out how to get them on here,. Add me as a friend and you can see them, it's Michelle Woods-Godfroy...I am so glad that you are doing well in your life....
hello, I have a really hard time myself trusting people, cause of what I went through as a child so I know ow you feel. You don't ever forget being in a place like this and the pain of it follows us for life. I took some pictures a couple months ago when I went there but, for some reason I can't seem to post them on here, so I am going to post them on my facebook. You look me up and add me as a friend if you have a facebook it's Michelle Woods-Godfroy...
I was right. I looked at this room on monday
No DQ its gone
This is on ward A at the bend by the boys shower
John I have so many new pics I took today. No more DQ. The place is wide open for contractors. I am bidding the tower so I was let in. I'll post the pics on gcc2010.
I got so many pics today. I got all my old rooms and everything
I was in today. The place is wide open. The city ownes it and we had no problems with the police or anything. We talked to a city worker. He said the place is open to contractors
Me and my Urbex Group have been looking into comming here. We have been to Addison-Wesley and The Danvers State Hospital and were wondering how to get inside Gaeblers. Are there any broken window or opened doors. Are there Alarms, Cameras, Motion Detectors, or Gaurdes. How Much Police Mantenence is there? Whats the low-down?