1,384 Comments for Gaebler Children's Center
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
I went in a few seclusion rooms that I was in. I even closed the door in the room that is in this picture. That was last year when I was there with pookie. I was showing a friend of mine how we used to bang on the window. It was very weird being in that room. I can't even explain the feelings I felt. I even spent a night in one of my old rooms. I don't know why I did that and it sounds kinda weird, but that's what I did. I don't know why. It was weird though
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
My abusers were Hospital Staff and the kids they used as proxies.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
It must be really weird to see pictures of the seclusion room that you were in and to go there as a visitor. I picture the seclusion rooms that I have been in, but never have seen photographs. I am not sure what that experience would be like.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
These were on ward A by the boys and girls showers, second floor left, by the bend
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
I am so sorry for the hell you went thru, it should have never happened to you or any of us for that matter. We were kids, Bill seems to think that we were horrible children and that we were in a jail. It was never called a jail, it was and til this day is called a mental institution for kids with problems. Yes, there were kids there that did arson, yes there were kids there that did assualt and battery, yes there were kids there that attempted murder, but, not all the kids were there for those reasons, I was there because I skipped school for 4 days in a row, and that I had a behavior problem and couldn't live in society, they said I tried to kill myself by sticking my head out a window to get some air, it was crazy. So, Bill the Boiler room guy has no clue what he is talking about, he is just trying to make himslef look good and act like he knew everything that was going on when he didn't and he should have never talked to you the way he did. I feel bad for any children he has brought into this world, cause I am sure if he is like this with us here on this web page then I can just imagine the lies he tells his children and he probably has abused them and thinking it's allowed cause it was allowed in Gaebler, I don't know, I just don't like his holyer than thou attitude. No one has the right to say anything unless they have lived this hell of a life when they were a child. I hope that you are alright now and that you are doing well in your life, and I really am sorry that you had to endure so much as a child......
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
I love you and you know that, you are truly a great friend to me, and so glad to know you,hang with you and have you in my life....no one will ever understand the bond we have or what we went thru at Gaebler unless they themselves went thru something like that in their own lives or lived in a place like Gaebler or even at Gaebler. what we went thru and lived thru has only made us stronger and more wise in the real world and cautious as all hell and we will never be taken advantage of or abised again and that is also what makes us the most understanding parents to our own children and we know how to deal with things that they do that are wrong and we know how to work them out without taking them to court and putting them away in mental hospitals, lock ups and pysche hospitals.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
you should have never been allowed to work the overnight shifts on the wards at all, you were not certified and of course you didn't see anything go on then, cauise we had to be in bed at 8pm and lights out at 8:30pm so we were in our rooms asleep by the time you got there, as for you falling asleep well, a lot of the staff did at that shift and that was fine cause it was allowed, But, please for the sake of us children who went thru hell there please stop patting yourself on the back and telling us what a nice man you were to us kids, cause you weren't nice to all of us, you weren't around all of us, and you should have never been able to be around us since you were not a certified dr.counselor or therapist or staff member of the wards. I am thankful that the kids you did interact with you were nice to them, but, ithat doesn't give you the right to stand here and defend the staff who were abusive,mentally, physically and sexually...If you want to do something good then you should contact the staff members on the wards and have them come on here and leave us posts as to why they did what they did, and to own up to the abuse they gave us and apologize to us, you would be surprised how much an apologiy would mean to us and an explanation as to why they did what they did.....
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center
- Gallery: Control