860 Comments for Old Essex County Jail

No way end..
sadness view
Ah, I was talking with people who did urbex in some really horrible inner city neighborhoods. They actually found a prison like this (maybe even the same one!) and went in. The nice thing is all the vandals tend to pass it over because they are too terrified of the people inside, but these guys that went in said the drifters who lived there were amazingly nice. They couldn't believe that anyone would actually want to explore the place so they were happy to show the group around. I don't know, my experience with drifters and addicts have always been positive as well. Sometimes you have to hand over a little money to get them off your back, but for the most part they just go about their business without paying you any attention.
I don't usually go for warm colours. Blues and greens tend to be more my thing, but I think this photograph just converted me.
The thing that makes me sad about this shot actually is that our prisons are filling with non-violent drug offenders. What's wrong with tha, you ask? Well, for every kid who goes to prison just because he got caught with an ounce of marijuana, a rapist, murderer, robber, or some other sort of felon will be let out early on parole to clear up space. It seems so silly that we fight drugs harder than we fight violence. Oy, but that's your libertarian public service anouncement for today. :oS
the blue to me looks like the reflection of the black part in a puddle, only it shows its true beauty...if that made any sense.
reminds me of our rival high school's hallways!
its amazing that this picture gives me such a homey type of feeling, despite the prison bars, rust and decay...
truly amazing that you have the ability to capture this!
i love that stuff!
the soda i mean...yeah...soda...lol
but it seriously is good soda, and so CHEAP too!
yeah, seems like it!
well...if u look 2 the right top corner, it looks like the ledge only goes down like 5 feet so maybe its not SO bad, but i still wouldn't do it!
this one confuses me, it looks like the showers are right in the middle of the hallway or something...i mite just b stupid tho....
this makes me think of that scene in star wars where luke and all his comrads are in the room with the snake-like-thing and the walls are closing in slowly!
as late as 1990 prisoners in england wre still "slopping out" emptying their plastic pots containg their piss and shit, although it was frowned upon to shit in your pot so most prissoners would shit in a newspaper and throw it out the cell window, in the mornings some unlucky group of prisoners would be the "bomb dissposal team and go around with a cart picking up these nasty packages.......
You can almost feel a guard is gonna come walking down there