860 Comments for Old Essex County Jail

It makes you wonder if some sick puppy had a taste of some of these,some people have a problem and can't help themselves,I used to know a girl who used to shoot up whiskey or basically anything she could get .I thought of her when i saw this shot. DG...
A beautiful shot Motts nice light and great peeling paint.DG......
If you had to "go there", you're well on your way to having a ruined life. Hopefully a trip here could save it...
Everytime I see anything dealing with homeless people, it really upsets me...It's just not right for these people to have to resort to decaying buildings to reside in....
This photo REALLY says a lot..........
cant wait till my ex goes there for her DUI. 90 days in the hole. Way to go Tonya.
That's heroin stuff right there. Hardcore junkies.
Weeeeiiirrrdd... Makes me wonder if that's recent or from awhile ago! Gosh!
There IS a light at the end of the tunnel......
thts kinda scary actually
The ceiling looks like it's alive and crawling.
because we love you O O
. .0
It looks exactly like the cellblocks on TV and in the movies....
Nice ceiling
gross! why take a picture of that?