132 Comments for Fort Howard VA Hospital

Old blood? Yuck!
Is it just me or how would a body fit on there with that hole? I mean, where would their head and feet lie? It's early here and maybe I'm not thinking, lol
Embalming tables freak me out for some reason.

Nice use of the orange against the grey though
I guess Hopsy hopped on out of there at some point, lol. Ok, that didn't make sense but you know...

Seems they would have had more morgue drawers but I guess they didn't have many deaths there?
That actually looks fun--warm water and all.
Those silver "walking" things seems like they could have taken to use at another facility. I'm currently in rehab and I hate seeing this equipment sitting with no use.
Yeah, if they catch this building now, they could repurpose it and hopefully will.
I love these old hospitals and boy this one is massive! I would have loved to walk around and take in all the sights and sounds here!
Ahh, quiet time and a new gallery. Thank You, Mr Mott's!
A safe way for the staff to clean up congealed blood, secretions, human waste. Not anything more than a living person would "flush".
I think the disposal is there to take care of any final secretions/stool the patient may have had after death. It would make sense that the mortuary team had a safe way to dispose of waste in a safe hygienic manner that protects the staff. I seriously doubt any human tissue other than waste was flushed down the drain.
I would hate to be the window cleaner for that place, haha!
What an amazing building! It almost doesn't look real.
Ahhh duct work - ok, yeah, i see the chase, were wishing A Lamp, hahaha
- Thanks flushed.
- naw - probably + very likely, goes through garbage disposal grinder and out........OR to a special catchment - like a container cistern hold???? Hmmmmm.....
looks like a field of canola or mustard in bloom.