132 Comments for Fort Howard VA Hospital

So, the monitor looking thing has a decal to make it look like a monitor, with windows cut out for the numbers? Sounds, very fisher-price. Worklike, but fisher-price.
It seems strange that the dial is set so far away from the person doing the work on the chair. Did not notice the silver parallel bars earlier.
That . . . Is . . . Hidious . . . Paint
I agree with Mica. Attics with round windows are cool . . . and sometimes a bit on the creepy side too, lol
Hard to tell the condition of an item by just seeing a picture of it. Due to regulations it is often difficult or even impossible to sell or donate some used medical apparatus. I think items like wheelchairs and various non-mechanical or electrical things are easier to donate, but it varies somewhat from state to state I've been told.
Same thing is done with military dog tags . . . that's why you get two.
Probably just some coffee or leftover lunch dumping from whoever was contracted to shut the place down.
Thanks again for the photos, Mr. Motts.
...boring, mid-90's office spaces...modern architecture from the second half of the 20th C. onward is boring. It is, in my opinion, without soul - sterile and lifeless.
And it doesn't even look outdated. Such a waste of money.
I think they leave those chairs behind just for you, Motts!
I think the only readouts on this machine were numbers, like on a digital alarm clock; the rest is a decal.
Fantastic gallery Mr. Motts. Thanks.
What is the white building with the rounded roof?
Perfect title, Mr. Motts.