388 Comments for DeJarnette Sanitarium

I hope Eric started to share and was helped by this place.
Thanks for your input, VirginiaJim.

Nice archway, at least there is a little character in there. Lucie, I always wonder about the curtains left behind as well.
Pretty window! It's nice to see since the rest of the place seems kind of unexciting.
These are definitely eerie. I wonder if the handprints belong to a few random people who were leaving their mark after checking the place out rather than former residents.
Very nice. I like the archway. The handprints are a little eerie though.
Great shot, I'm excited to check this place out!
Room looks surprisingly large.
While there is no way to be certain... having kids and having done hand prints with them, it's very likely that the extra fingers were just kids moving their fingers while making the print. It also looks like kids were making multiple prints as some of these are almost identical. Strangely, based on the size these look more like adult prints.
X-ray Girl: it´s Alphonse, not Anton Mucha. And this is "Painting" from his cycle Arts (the others are Music, Dance and Poetry)

Yes, I am serious Mucha nerd. It is kinda understandable, considering he is one of the most famous painters from our country :D

Greetings from Czech Republic!
So, the wooden framework in the foreground, it's not the guillotine? That the inmates toppled in the final riots? As the zombies stuttered through the halls?

Good Times.
It is perfectly between 'meh' and 'feh' in it's blandness.
Note the Zombie proof fencing is still intact and well maintained.
Looks like Santa Claus on the front door, maybe his head with long beard over red boots.

Nice shot. Too bad if it's getting torn down.
Very interesting architecture and a great shot!
I think the armor looked like that in the 1980's Secret Wars comics (first series), which I have most of.