1,476 Comments for Letchworth Village

Enough about the dang light(s), what about the darkness on the floor, looks like it is ozzing towards the curtain?

Got to love shadows, they play with the idle minded
I worked there as as Psychology Assistant, T-Cottage and Cildren's Unit, 1972-1976.
Damn it! I can't take anymore reality shows!
Those little octagons are the same exact ones that my bathroom floor is made up from. Must be from the same time period as my house.
the doors were probly blocke off because inmates were trying to escape terrible things that were happing to them. one of the women said the had she had hiked to Letchworth with school and were able to play with some of the children and they thought it was a stange place. Wow
i grew up right next door( i mean right next door ! next to the horse stable located on Turkey Hollow Rd., I went to there daycare) and for evey family gathering we ever had when i was a kid a inmate or two would break free from waht ever it was they were doing and come and try to join our family bbqs. My whole family worked at the facilty starting with my greatgrandma& her son (who stared at the age of 8 takeing care of other boys his age to my mother who didnt start till 1980. i love the idea of the place "The Idea" I love the buildings and that it was a selfsufficent community. i always thought it was a beautfil place when you look past all th horribal things the residents had to face i always dreamed of captureing the views of letcworth i grew up with and never had the abilty to do so. I do beleve that i think more of the place the some other local folk and i am glad to see a few others fell the same. a few of the out here took photo but dont really have the same feels as some othrs i like your photos. L ove letchworth.
Ah, letchworth.....
Yeah, cause the photographer would definitely not know what it was...
I cant take ti anymore..these pictures r so sad..im gonna cry
it sint a flash light it looks square
Im playing sad music looking at this im gonna cry soon lol
Andy, I used to work with people who had petit and grand mal seizures. The aftermath is no picnic. I feel for you, man. Do you still suffer with seizures, or no?
I've had a grand mal seizure before. You feel like pure shit when the seizures over.
Doesn't anything that reads DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE make you want to go near it even more? The sign makes it more intriguing.