Spooked the heck out of me until I saw a comment that it was your pals.
Probably an elevated, movable stage that was basically a floor on stilts. You see them a bunch in old schools.
Crazy. Blows your mind to think about how technology has changed EVERYTHING. An elevated train line just for one building and for one cargo...imagine the expense and effort.
Well I'm gonna lose weight now because after all the descriptions of what this is used for I can't eat anything! Especially not spaghetti!
Oh bleeeeeeech!!! Ye gads I hate anything to do with hospitals or morgues or surgery or being cut open or BLECH!
Sweet photo. But even if those aren't holes in the catwalk, neither you nor anyone else who goes here should walk over the bin. That's entrapment with a capital E if anything gives way.
The trail leading off to the ink blotch really makes the photo, has a great vibe of "equipment running faithfully right up until the very end".
Seconded, EPIC optical illusion. Took one look and I was like "Whaaaaat? Are you hanging from the ceiling or..."
Joe Michaels, thank you for the info, you are obviously an expert.
I wondered if you really meant "live" wires as in powered or that was just a dramatic title. Leaving unsecured biohazards and not turning off utilities...the people who left this place failed something awful.
This is ridiculously gorgeous.
I'd like to put some people I work with in this cage
looks like the apartment complex where I live
Wouldn't work for Alzheimer's patients...they may construe the dark middle part of the hallway as a hole.
What a composition. Stunning.