OMG like A.S.V..............I thought they were coffins until I saw your title.........
Color coordinated....
The slumbering asylum.......!
Your comments create such a sense of anticipation.........I can't wait to see the asylum!!!!! It looks so amazing in this photo!
What an incredible shot and so compelling in the twilight...
Arghh :|
i went to the castle after dark but couldnt find a way into the asylum, is the left dirt track by the small clinic by the castle ??

email.bk to maldred9@aol.com
ahh the old denbigh mental. I live really close to denbigh, went to high-school there and, of course, half my close friends live there. Anyway, we've been inside and it's a morbid place, you can find old medica lrecords of patients lying around, for example, if they were on suicide watch. Also, some of my frinds relatives worked there with some disturing stories to tell!
I know it's not really blood but....it makes you wonder.
Is anyone else laughing at this
Feel like i shouldn't be
Why are the doors always left open like this?
those hall ways are well spooky at night especaly with the cracking of tiles under foot and your torch is going dim and your no were near the end of the hall way yet !
sadly some moorons have had a fire in the middle of the hall now and burnt a big hole in it and the stage also ahs got a huge hole in the midle. but a great room to find though!
I have seen tha and the floor has caved in now in front of it.
Ive been there and stood on those scales. Its a shame some dick head has smashed the glass and pulled the needle off. great place to walk round dead spooky!