420 Comments for Renwick Smallpox Hospital

Gr8 story, sounds like a prison break! :oD Escape From Alcatraz. This confirmation thing is asking me what planet I live on. What if I'm not sure any more?
Check out Google Earth - it shows up really well.
This picture....... well..... it was worth the hassle - it IS good............and may you always be safe. Mr.M.
Great gallery, Thanx for the vicarious thrills!
Such a GOOD Picture. Such a fine gallery. Like. Love.
Hoping, anytime soon, there will be light shows, old plays with Knights in Shining Armor and Medieval Festivals of Music, and a special awesome shuttle-sloop bringing the visitors, from Peter Detmold Park E.51st.Str. by torchlight and lanterns, at midnight. . ...... Fun Every Day.
awesome pic
A thousand years or One-hundred-and-fifty - it really IS hard to know - this special ancient dignification maybe saved the reowned Hospital - nobody wanted to be responsible for the decision to demolish. ??????
James Renwick Jr. is skilled, and did travel. Here in Europe we sure have a lot of old castles, churches and whatnot... The look like this. I love this Gallery. Be well and stay in...
Ah this picture...i keep coming back......again and again.....really love...that contrast!
And yes: the GTA IV - was called Colony Island - had the ruin like this, and even the tram to ride; remember seeing that, watching the kids play. This was some time ago. True Fun Every Day it was back in the days.
Could it be Renwick SmallPox Hospital???
After a piece of the north wall collapsed in 2007, it was immediately stabilized; loose masonry removed, unstable walls knocked down, tuck pointing, new steel supports. The loose masonry was boxed and stored for future reconstruction. A new fence was built as well.
Thanks so much for touching our lives with Great places and Great photography!
They years have faded the glory of this grand ol'Lady, but i can still see in my minds eye how wonderful she once was.
Its like you are looking at two completely different worlds, I love it.
I love the juxtaposition of the old versus the new. Great photo :)
City, Center shot! What a pretty view! Amazing eye for these shots you have Mr. Motts.
Wow! Outstanding shot! Great lighting and detail.