420 Comments for Renwick Smallpox Hospital

Glad I didn't bet money that that was the first floor. I woulda lost!
We look forward to someday seeing your pictures of North Brother Island, Mr Motts
Wow 1st hospital you didnt find a mourge (sp) in.....
Yes, that is quite a feat! I must ask, how on Earth did you manage to make it up there?
Are we talking about the one in the lower left-hand corner that looks demonic? Sort of like the Scream character? Damn, it almost looks like its wearing a black hood or has long black hair. *shiver*
I've seen this place before (photos of it) on photographyreview.com one of the members there did some work with their Holga at this local.
That was also my question about this place. When you see lots of windows with bracing it makes you think they are trying to save it. Otherwise, why not just let it crumble naturally at its own pace?
Also, what is the boarding up above the balcony that runs parallel to the ground?
I was just wondering if you know if there is any talk of them trying to save the building? Why brace up the windows and support the balcony if they arent goin to do anything with it.
looks awesome wish it was my house
very awesome and it looks something like daracula would hide out in
glad they still keep it up. its sad when they tare places like this down, theyre echos of the past that tell you things
You are a wonderful photographer! I have never studied it but the way you constrast the lighting and make it feel like more than just an abandoned building is amazing. I would love to explore things like this but not enough nerve. Thanks for the website.
That would be Candace, my friend and guitarist.
who,s the girl in the picture? mr.motts
the real "Hogwarts" is Alnwick Castle in Northumberland England http://www.alnwickcastle.com/location.php
Very awesome castle indeed