1,094 Comments for Fort de la Chartreuse

OK, Motts, fisheye lens or really the way it was? I'm guessing fisheye with the distortion of the bricks.....but maybe not.....
I think I'd like this kind best. Not big enough for a hand or arm to come through. Medievel looking.
thanks for the new gallery Tom
That is the kind of thing that shows up in my (thankfully rare) nightmares. A certain Stephen King story comes to mind....
Almost looks like church doors.
No comment necessary on this one. If this was actually left by a prisoner, and not put on later, that's quite a find.
looks like there was a fire in there at one stage
with like the black above the arch and stuff
OK, I can't sleep, so I'm on here.... Thanks for another gallery, Motts :-). I like the converging lines throughout this one, both the lines of the floor meeting the walls, and the brick lines, combined with the angle of the shot. No toilet. Wow. I hope they were at least allowed out for that whenever necessary :-0.
looks pretty amazing
whats with all the paintings?
would they be done by prisoners or just
to brighten the place up a bit
that area looks clean
nice i like all the old writing above the archways
if this was a court yard whats behind where you took the photos, just trees?
That is so interesting.
im guessing this is a day count?