411 Comments for Citadelle de Namur

Now that is creepy, not sure if I want to know what is in there.
Did you use Photoshop?
these toilets can seen all over mainland Europe and Asia in public places. The western loo seat is thought to be unhygienic in Asia and they are kinda right i suppose, but try using one of these on a boat on a stormy rough day at sea in Thailand! not fun!
and you thought the other toilets were hard to deal with!!!!!!!
Nazi Zombie map*
I dont even know if this place exists anymore but there was a secret nazi base in poland or something called "Der Riese". Translated as "The Giant". Yes I do know this is a nazi map in call of duty world at war. But this actually is or was a real place. They were trying to make a sort of UFO type of thing. "Die Glocke" Translate - "the Bell". Because it looked like a bell. When the war was starting to go crap for the Nazis It disappeared along with everybody who worked on it. All of the scientists were executed. The only guy who wasn't killed was the guy in charge of it. I forgot his name but just look up Die Glocke and read about it. Its messed up. No bull
Thats strange... killer cutouts?
I think this would be a good place for a horror movie.
Maybe there is a monster in that hole
The current toilet seat is a comparatively new invention. It was developed in the Industrial revolution by people who thought it was more 'dignified' to sit on a 'throne' than the way the natives did. However, many doctors at the time were worried about this causing health problems because it went against nature. If you have ever felt, as many, many people do, that after you have evacuated, there is still something left, here is the reason:

The anal canal is UNSTRAIGHTENED when seated. Bowel evacuation when seated results frequently in OBSTRUCTIVE CONSTIPATION.

Adopt a relaxed, FULL SQUAT POSTURE and the anal canal STRAIGHTENS

Oncologists have observed that 80% of colon cancers occur in the caecum and the sigmoid colon, the two areas that are not fully evacuated in the sitting posture. This causes fecal stagnation and probably explains why colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. In traditional Asian and African cultures where squatting is the norm, colon cancer is virtually unknown!
just cuz there is something like that dosent mean its satanic worship, its probably just some kids messin
Again, stunning, Motts!