765 Comments for Taunton State Hospital

These state-owned places often have some kind of metal tag or stamp on the furniture and equipment, I would assume for inventory control. The laundry also could've been sent off to a central cleaning facility, so an identifier would help if things got mixed up.

I assume the towel's been sitting there since the building closed in 1975.
Recessed single doors
The doors were tall, but not 16 ft - the transom window above reduces their height a good bit.
I think the moisture got into many of them, turning the biscuits into mush. There could've still been some dry ones left, but I'm sure these expire at some point (60 years is asking a lot!)
Incredible that they printed this stuff even on towels. I guess it was to discourage stealing?
Fantastic gallery - this place is amazing!
YES! The infamous curved breezeways! Thanks Motts!
Nice reflection capture.
The bed and the chair are not speaking today...
Floor looks like its starting to sink.
Those breezeways are a definite identifying feature of this place.
This is some cool old stuff! Belongs in a medical museum.
loved the introduction
Very poignant flushed.