780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

Ahhhh yes ~so nice to see those soap dispensors. This brings some order to the chaos of the place! :D
Are those soap dispensers? This is actually a legit question, not playing off the old joke. Because if they are, the one in the right-hand shower is pretty high up there. A shortie like me would have a real hard time in that stall.
painting is nice, A for effort for helping the mind escape
Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn Roof Rusted! Sorry, I couldn't resist. I too like that mirror.
YaY! :D
Yep self inventory for a 12 step program. Good luck to the person who did this
wrong room to store this scrap if it was intended to be thrown out the window to an awaiting dumpster
@MamaToFive... Hahaha!!! I lol'd!
blue is such a calming color, I think it was blue anyway
It's probably a standard door, but one of Motts' skewed-perspective shots.... I love the chaos behind the doorway.
this place has a problem with chairs
gaming chair
there's a person hobbling around somewhere, but he/she took their foot
ok, correction from my last post. THIS is creepy
that is kinda creepy