780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

dont even fart in this room, the ceiling will come crashing down!
Is it time for TV? No cause I dont know the time or where the TV is
I use to have a job where I had a chair like that. Those hurt your back something fierce!
LOL Mama, my husband is the same way! He checks a few pics out but is generally staring at some sporting event. He has espn.com, I have opacity! ;) Plus with 5 kids, damn, your hubby needs to give you a break, lol!
Good point Mama, I can see how you would feel that way as well. Perhaps that was part of my feeling trapped...small and trapped. Eeeek! 8-0
Mama, I think that joke will NEVER die! At least I hope not....sorry Motts. :)
That door would fit right in my house if it was stripped and refinished. 6-panel solid doors are expensive to buy these days.
LOL mikey--I got it. :D

That is a funny joke BTW. :D

I wonder if they are trying to escape? *Gasp*
Now that's some state-of-the art equipment right there....lol. Reminds me of those huge old sideboard-style, cabinet-top RECORD player/stereos.
It's ok...she is at peace and now DH's mom has joined her and his dad. :)

What are all those hooks for? THAT is a bit creepy...talk about wash & wear....
OOoh,,,maybe they are planning a huge chair revolt!

Yeah...ya know what this makes me feel? Kind of small like I am looking up to this window in a HUGE building and I am just a small speck.

Nice perspective!

(I am glad Coney Island is fixed now and I got my hubby and kids wanting their Texas Weiners now lol...)
Now sometimes my hubby will ask me if "that picture guy" has any new gallaries up lol! He doesn't look at them, but he knows it makes ME happy and I come down all excited telling him there is a new gallary up and don't bother me for the next hour or so lol. :)

(My hubby is VERY understanding!)
Perfect title :-).
Those things get SO stuck in your hair! 8-o. Tried them once, and almost had to cut one of them out. They DO NOT just neatly unroll from the hair, but, well, look at them. Just like Velcro! I'll take my curling iron any day. Hmmm. I do like these kinds of shots of everyday-life personal things, though, Motts.. Makes you remember humans "lived" in these hospitals. Can't really be called "living", really, but at least an effort was made to make it more like home for the residents, whom I'm sure would rather have been somewhere else :-S.