780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

Eeeek...ok Joe...just watch for falling plaster and zombies and we should be OK. :D
I think our basement door (leading to the outside) is exactly like this one, now that I think about it.

Hm...ROADTRIP to the basement! YAY! :D
Is this a riddle Joe?

Um...because it wasn't too bright??

Sorry--I got nothing.
Joe...THAT one takes the cake...

Comic relief...check!
(Kathy--not if I am still around it won't!)

LOL Joe! Good thing I don't have my Pepsi here with me today! That was REALLY funny.

Talk about a 24 karat dump...

Aye and bagorrah...I need me a laxative for this piece of gold that is still stuck...Luck of the Irish me ass!
The ceiling DOES look in really good shape doesn't it??

Good eye charity!
LOL Joe...me and my brother used to shoot underwear at each other since our rooms were almost right across from one another. We got put in time out (in our rooms) for fighting, so we used to sit in the doorway and flick things at each other. Some of the things HURT lol!!!
AH! I missed the 60's just by THHHHAAAAT much. I was born in 1971 lol. I hear that decade was a real blast though. :D
no, not 1/2 off, 1/4 off
and now..our main show, the invisible tv show!
Me too! JackieB. I would love to see this place with you.
Thats a very creepy looking chair. The walls seem to have a formica coating thats falling apart. It is a mystery as to how that plate got there. Maybe it was just dropped there when the place closed and nobody cared to throw it in the garbage
This is where they threw the crap that didnt sell at auction lol.
Those look like modern plastic shower stalls, no tiles. They look like they could be from the 80's