727 Comments for Lorton Reformatory

Ditto@Larry. Good one! I'm sure my meth lab neighbors know that stairway well! *stab, stomp*
I'm kinda "Bonnie-ish" my own self.
Ya'll crack me up!
My kids would love this!
A shower curtain? Yeah, sure, with a hole in it! Attack of the Prison Soap Zombies.

I have never added so many comments to a single shoot. Damn this one is fun!
Too cool!
Funny mama! Yes, my halo keeps getting caught on my horns too. So is the rap hoe who the guy was going to stalk and kill to get back home? "Keep my cell warm for me, I'll be right back!"
That's right Lucie! The people murdered by these criminals are in coffins! How cramped are those? A lot more cramped than these roomy luxury accommodations. A nice extended vacation at the Crowbar Hotel. These guys got to lay down without a coffin lid lowered over their faces, which is still too good by some people's measure. The victim's friends and family might have some other kind of accommodations in mind, like a nice comfy warm chair. Do the new hot seats have decals that say, "Powered By Green Energy!"?
Funny Rekrats! Hubcap is the inventor of break dancing. He was trying to steal hub caps off moving cars.
Gone for good? Yeah-yeah, dats what day all say! But, you guys are correct. Watch some of the excellent prison documentaries online. The returning cretins clearly say how much better they feel when they get back in. It's a big stress relief for them. They don't want to deal with the outside world, managing money, needing an income, supporting themselves, that pesky reality thing, etc.. Life as a jailbird requires no effort so they commit a crime to get that easy ride back. It's amazing how little some people value their freedom and will give it up to be cared for like little babies. They appear to want back in after about one to three months.
One guy can flush contraband with a string on it, and in the next cell, another guy can hook it with a wire pushed down through the toilet. Harder for the screws to catch than kites.
Nilsen makes the toilet wine, I'll bring the nasal inhalers, and I see plenty of paint chips for proper inmate nutrition. Piss in the sink until the wine is done, ok?
"EXIT" huh? Good luck with THAT one buddy!
The dead zombie prisoners are still there, but they don't exactly chase people for their brains. That's not the end they want.