727 Comments for Lorton Reformatory

LOL autoguy!!! I was gonna say that!
@LarryD--Lawn?? Where are you???

All we have here is the flippin Arctic...complete with wall-to-wall snow!

*Hey you danged kids....get off my snow!!*

That doesn't sound quite as interesting...lol!


*Cries quietly in corner*
Maybe if it is the symbol for life, he is wishing he had his li fe back...

Or he is telling the world he has a life sentence?

Or...maybe he saw it somewhere and liked how it looks.
Um...don't steps go up AND down lol.
LOL Frida...ME TOO!
Well at least you wouldn't roll out of bed...


Nice way to wake up!
LOL you guys crack me up!

Lugnut LMAO!!!

Rekrats...you have my undying respect man. :) You seriously made me almost spit out my Pepsi! I KNOW better than to drink while reading here. :D
I agree with the wanting to be taken care of instead of making an honest living thing. I watched a documentary on prison and prison life on one of the satellite channels (can't remember which one) and some of the prisoners even admitted that they felt more "comfortable" in prison because they were provided with everything they need. It is so strange, to me at least, to NOT "need" televison or internet, but I suppose that one CAN learn to live without these things if they really had to. It just still boggles my mind that they would give up freedom to go out and get a burger and fries and a beer with friends, be with family, or even go to the movies just to be provided with meals and a place to sleep. Isn't that weird how that is more important than those other things we, as "non-inmates" feel are important? Makes you think about priorities and how people think and feel.

OMG autoguy...you're stealing my thunder here lol!

Can I bring the homemade cigarettes and the nudie mags for the guys lol!
Oh there I go being naughty again!
Thank you Rekrats...I know there are really bad people who have NO respect for anyone. How can that happen? I couldn't imagine taking another's life, even by accident! It would fundimentally kill me inside.

@autoguy HAHAHHAH! That is a good one! I may have found my comedy-rival here! :D
OH OOOOH can I have that sign for my bedroom door so I can keep little boogers from invading my every space...when all I want to do is be quiet and by myself....IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK??

Ooops...sorry Mr. Motts...got a little emotional there.
Carry on.
LOL Fla. Gator...I would be afraid to go to sleep! You snore--you get shivved...you miumble in your sleep--you get shivved...you go to sleep...well, I don't WANT to think of what someone might do to you! Sleep in full-body armor!!
For a first timer, the sight of the long row of cells would really raise the spincter factor.
Reminds me of my military barracks. Same layout, same lack of privacy.
Your black and white shot increases the feeling of desolation and hopeless the prisoners must have felt.