A jewel in the overgrowth.
Definitely wallpaper. This is astounding!! So ethereal...
There's something eerie just to the idea alone of windows without a point... no room for them to look out of...
Glad to hear it, Eldokid. I hope so too. I too see and appreciate the layers here, literally from the top down; Gothic to 50s motel. Awesome.
Just an update on my comment above - someone DID buy that place. I noticed a new roof on it, which was obviously put there to stop the decay. Can't wait to see what they do to this building, I hope someone makes it into a home.
Spooky beauty...
Absolutely beautiful...tranquil view into the past.
the window platform for bungji jumping
i told the shemels to fix the roof
Absolutely fabulous. I love the colors and the edit. Wallpaper PLEASE???????
Here is a brief history of Ancilla Domini Academy. In 1952, it opened as a private Catholic girls boarding and day school, conducted by the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As the demographics of Philadelphia changed, lower Germantown became a high-crime area and definitely an unsafe neighborhood for a girls' school. At the same time, a lack of vocations to the religious life meant fewer nuns teaching, etc, and a decision was made to close the school rather than raise tuition costs in keeping with ever-increasing lay teacher's salaries. In its final year, the last graduating class of seniors attended
LaSalle College High School at 8605 Cheltenham Avenue, Wyndmoore, as the property on Church Lane in Germantown was sold to Manna Bible College, an African American institute of higher studies.
This looks like it would have been very beautiful at one time
Thank you for another outstanding gallery.
takes my breath away.....