622 Comments for Henryton State Hospital

I agree with Larry D., I've never heard of type X either. I wonder what it was infected with (the bag is marked infected blood)? Maybe the term type X was used as a "name" for blood infected with a certain disease?
A new gallery, what a great Christmas surprise! Mr. Motts has lined up this shot perfectly to show first the turquoise room, then the yellow room, then the pink room farther down the hall, then yellow and then turquoise at the very end. Perfect. Mr. Motts has a talented eye for seeing the extraordinary where no one else would.
thats gotta be worth a ton of money to a antique dealer
isnt it crazy how paint peels when then air is off in a building , ive seen it happen in a couple years
awesome looks like a movie prop from a zombie film
Holy cow! My mother had one of these in our dining room when I was a kid and I remember her ironing sheets on it.
Pepto Pink. . . I think I'm going to be sick
Almost all the paint - gone. Was probably very bright nad sunny in it's day with that yellow color.
That would make a great apartment!
Someone took all the seats?
Rewinder, editor - could be both. But now the rust will win.
Funny that the ceiling is peeling but the walls aren't
It's hard to tell what it is -