4,023 Comments for Riverside State Hospital

Nuclear winter.
I love the "neon" like light above the windows. So other-worldly.
Welcome to the carnival of the undead.
It looks as though it is quite certainly collapsing as you were photoraphing it, Motts. Great shot, as always.
YES, he IS there above the door, just waiting, for say someone like Motts, or US!
Looks as though that will take more thatn that to get rid of any lingering odors.......
Thank you Motts & Soloman 92!
Looks like a wonderful opening of a dark and desolate classic book. "Wurthering Heights" perhaps....(hahahaha)
It was destiny, a "sign" for you and yuou alone!
I did put this beautiful picture as my desktop, it is AMAZING! God Bless all, and Happy Easter.
Yeyy someone else who's strange :)
Exactly my point :)

It was sarcasm. Because, I am Queen Sarcastic.
I will go first Please.
Motts How do you come up with these names on the gallery!!!!!!!!!!