4,023 Comments for Riverside State Hospital

I love black and white pictures
hay lucy im home ///
grate pick st king eat your hart out//////call it the sadness of fear
that was when smoke was smoke //////////sweet wood work the guys and gals that carved all l of this wood work soon lived here /thay prayed for the use of thair hands from doing all the work
everyone went to bed when it got dark one candle will not work to read or anything in a room this big
you would have to be blind and retarded not to know how to turn off a big light switch
looks like thay spent half of there life not cleaning it any one for a broom
some one cut the door down agian///////////
some one did not pay the rent to owen bill
the pigs could atleast pick up the sheets after thay peed on them put them//// in the dam washer slum dog/ pig
thay would not put the brain back into the body until thay died [ from being shocked with 400 volts //// at one time being called crazy ment something //
you make it sound almost erotic the way you put that//////that it looks cozier than most/// next,,,,,
no beer in the freezer /im off to gettysburg ..... /and orb out/ with the rebel ghost
a fart filltrator was put in to save on the gas bills/it never worked out thay could not eat enuff beans to keep it working properly it slowly crapped out ///////
grannys room was to the left you can see the window on 3d floor she feel out of / trying to dry out the sheets she peed on/// the dryer was broken now /her neck is to/