4,023 Comments for Riverside State Hospital

I thought that 150°F seemed kinda hot, but I guess not. "The hydrotherapy tanks and pools are all generally set at warm temperatures, never exceeding 150°F (65.6°C). Because the patient often performs resistance exercises while in the water, higher water temperatures become a concern as the treatment becomes more physically draining. Because of this, many hydrotherapy baths are now being set at 95-110°F (35-43.3°C)."
Figured it would be a WalMart... They like to eat up a lot of land.
Nice... Marble looks so clean.
This building is supposed to be converted into a hotel or something similar.
Gads! I've never seen anything like this chimney!
Now THIS shot is awe-inspiring!
I like the angle of this shot - you can sort of get a feel for the layout of the buildings and grounds this way.
Gack! How ever did you get up so high to take this fantastic shot?
Wowza! Great angle! Do people ever get to come in and bid on beautiful stuff like the banisters and fireplace before they tear the place down?
Oh, m - a - n . . . . . . . . . . . .! ! ! ! What a beauty! All marble, I am sure. I'd love to see a close-up of the carvings and the ironwork in the fireplace itself. Was that in-laid tile in front of the fireplace? Actually a very serene and elegant photograph.
Great craftsmanship on the banister - it's in amazingly good shape. Of course, I am assuming this is still the Administration Building that was in better repair than the rest of the place, as few areas that housed patients ever had luxuries such as this.
Gorgeous! Great colors, great angle!
Oh yikes!

When I scrolled down to see this picture, I enhaled my saliva - scared me! LOL!
Absolutely beautiful...
this place doesnt look abandoned