This is a giant sea turtle on his back with his little feet sticking up. He's in ICU on life support, so that's what all the pipes sticking into him are for. Wow! He even has an "output valve"! =8-o
OK, so his limbs are in the middle of his chest instead of at the edge. This is MY imagination, not yours! >:-(
Not only that Rich, but those ceiling joists are supposed to be horizontal, not at that sickly 10 deg. angle. The place is on the brink of catastrophic structural failure!
Not to sound like your mother or anything, Motts, but one of these days you're going to meet your death in one of these places. Once chance too many taken, and all that. It's a trite thing to write on a (nearly) anonymous message board like this, but that would be a real tragedy...
Lynne, you have done much to educate me and other visitors to this site, to help remedy exactly the kind of ignorance you refer to. The institutional pictures touch me not in the manner of a cheap, horror movie full of cliche torture devices and mad doctors, but because of their associations with real people, all now long departed but whose stories need to be told. Your matter-of-fact explanations of the practices and equipment of the hospitals are the perfect accompaniment to the images, in many ways more disconcerting (the stories of understaffing and changing attitudes for instance) than anything one's imagination could associate with a rusted crib or abandoned ECT machine. I'd never thought of institutions as a microcosm of society, but of course they are. After all, there but for the grace of God (or an accident of birth, depending on one's theological outlook) goes ever one of us.
People have asked about a book or calendar - either way i know it would be incomplete without your explanations, maybe even a foreword... :-)
I'm also of the opinion that it's immensely disrespectful to destroy these places. They should be venues for eye-opening exploration and maybe sombre reflection, but certainly not for wild parties and drug-fuelled vandalism. People might actually learn something if they weren't so keen to smash up sanitaryware and tag every available surface.
Of course, that kind of destruction also results in increased security because of the potential for injury lawsuits etc, making it more difficult for genuine explorers to gain entry, as well as the damage and destruction making theeventual re-use of the building that much more uneconomic...