4,023 Comments for Riverside State Hospital

Whoa that's just a wee bit trippy.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that these pictures were takenin the Kirkbride complex??
Motts-I know this is a dumb question, and I know most of the asylums have their own generators, but by any chance have you come across an asylum that has no generato and is powered by the state?
I agree, I love the way the sunlight hits the Box. It almost seems as if it's leading you to something.
It's the power plant for the hospital, where electricity and steam were generated to heat all the buildings on the campus. I've been to Tewksbury, yes it was a very nice looking place!
If I paid people off everytime I went out I'd be broke!
When I was renovating the upstairs of my house all the old walls were that ugly turqoiuse color. It was used in the 40's-50's. Such an ugly color.
Where's le toilet?

Here ya go...

It looks like there's a rope you could grab onto and swing on.
EWW, that is NASTY. Look at the stains half way down it too...
Well hey at least we now know what they did when they cut patients' hair.
I loved stained glass, that place is fantastic!
It definitely reminds me of a volcano.
That picture fram could've been a mirror, some of the "paint" on the ground looks slightly reflective. Just a thought though.
Uhhhmmmmm, where's le toilet?
Wow, It just looks lke there's a hallway.