494 Comments for Rochester State Hospital

Thanks, Peg. I live a suburb of Rochester. Sometimes, when I drive by these old buildings, I see lights on in some of the halls of the 15 floor building. FYI: There is a bowling alley in the lower level of one of the abandoned buildings.
Oh I wish the year was showing. My BIRTHDAY is June 8!
This was an operating room. But it was converte d into the Occupational Therapy kitchen. I held groups in that room for 23 years!
That's not something I tend to share due to legal repercussions, sorry!
awesome gallery
hats off to the cleaning crew

hey howd you get in ?
My Great Great Grandmother was admitted to the State Hospital in 1884. She died there in 1904. Her husband returned to Norway and died there.
The pictures of the Walter's building at Rochester Psychiatric Center brought back many memories. I worked as a nurse in that very building during the 1980's. Thank you for the pleasure of viewing your gallery.
Lady "J"-Rochester is in western NY, not Long Island...wrong album comment, maybe?

Motts-how come you don't try to photograph the inside of the homes, here and at Pilgrim State among others. We love what you've shot so far, but many of us will never visit these places to see them for ourselves...we live vicariously through you and your photography. Seeing inside these homes would be just as amazing for us as it is wandering with you through the hospitals, asylums, factories, etc. Maybe you can make another visit and take incredible pics of the homes as well. I smell another freshly made album in the future...:)
A lot of these buildings have since been demolished, very sad. The loss of history..
I worked in the Orleans building for several years, then Terrance, then Howard. The porches and trees around the Orleans building were more comforting than the atmosphere at the other buildings. I invited to one of the homes. The staff were caring people.
Juno u made my day
Random! And weird, too.With one pink among all the blue ones. Does not make any sense to me at all.