1,080 Comments for Mount Rose Cemetery

It reminds me of Silent Hill.
This is just stunning. The quality of light is just incredible.
also it would make a good card to send your parents on their aneversery with the quote "may you stay together this long"
I second canada, on everything
no, the legs would be too long, it looks kinda like old drapery, or rotting sheets.
actually, this would be a better wall paper, and easier to use as such
i second joe and canada, this would make an amazing wallpaper
i can kinda play a steam organ, but not one of the foot powered pipe organs
i just want to clean this place up and turn it into a club... just kidding, that wouldn't be kind to the families of those who rest there or to those who rest there.
you made my weekend complete!!!
this was an AMAZING set!!!

keep up the awesome work!
This is really beautiful. Snow and black stuff just is win for a BW shot.
Wonder what diseases you would catch if you opened it.
Thanks Motts nice photo's I can't wait for the next updated batch.
Any word on restoring this wonderful place Motts? Or is it going to be another tragic loss of such a incredible piece of architecture?