591 Comments for Mount Sinai Hospital

Infectious waste...gross.
Too funny! ; )
Great Composition! : )
Too scary!!!
I wouldn't want to get locked up in there!
not very sanitary looking at all. well, not now at least
Okay... that's weird. I'd be a bit upset by that if I was taken there for social reintegration. It's just... surreal.

AWESOME gallery! Two shots of The Great One included! You are the best, man, really.

Since this set was taken 4-1/2 years ago, I gotta ask, is your hair still the same style? What does it look like now? (Just curious.)
That is bitchin'. It's like they knew you were coming.

I agree with Debbie. This is a really good shot of you.
Not sure which would hurt more - the therapy, or the therapy table.
I love your sense of humor, Motts. :)
It's the place where rolling recliners are sent when they lose their bladder control.
Maybe it is some sort of industrial strength Pine-Sol or something, although one would think it'd still have an odor. Perhaps it's a combination of water running down through the walls, collecting rust and other decomposing textile and building substances, varnish from doors, rotting ceiling panels and wiring, just a combination of stuff.

I am TOTALLY guessing here. It could be ectoplasm for all I know. XD
This is great! At first I was like, oh, a wall mural. Then my eyes travel to the left and I just started laughing. :D
Do you usually dress up for work?
Was this shot in your "Dead Rollers" project?

Answering my own question: Yes, it was.

PS - in case I hadn't mentioned it before, "Dead Rollers" ROCKS. Completely!!!!!

(If y'all haven't seen it, DEFINITELY do!!) http://www.arssubterra...rg/projects/gurneys/