591 Comments for Mount Sinai Hospital

wow, nice view....its impressive...but i'm in a rural bumpkin town, so it doesnt tak much...no it really is a great view....
Thats too funny, one of you is either over/under dressed....
This bed looks like its in just as good of condition as the ones in the local hospital.....
It kind of looks like that disinfectant that they rub on whichever part of the body they're about to operate on.
whats it taste like?
So thats what Motts looks like!
When my grandmother was in a rehab hospital, she went to easy street. It was physical therapy to help her get around the city, stuff like getting in and out of cars on her own to help her maintain independence. When I came to visit her she told me that she had just come from Sesame Street, so my grandfather took me to easy street to show me what she meant.
Agreeing with Motts, it is unlawful to NOT have a latch inside of the 'Fridge'. :-)
It is similar to an alarm system with a battery backup. In case of power failure or high temperature, it would (most likely) page a couple of people about the outage via phone line (Note the bar of screws indicating data lines) so action can be taken. (i.e. Starting a backup generator) If it did not trigger that as well. I don't think it was for warning of Necromancers or rogue morticians. :-D
cute picture. very nice to finally see a face to match the name.. Very good motts.:)
hey Dr. McSteamy would be AWESOME!
Infectious Waste We Deliver!!!!!!!
That's one ride I wouldn't want to take.
Paging Dr. McSteamy!
Ah, I knew GLaDOS was still alive somewhere.