485 Comments for Manteno State Hospital

There are some great aerial photos and stories about this place on the net. It was quite a large complex.
My favorite part about this shoot is how all of the ceilings look like old burnt movie film. Makes the place look like some sort of torn alien space rift.
*Rub eyes* That can't be leaning like that or all the brickwork would be cracked. :o)
Do I getta cookie for being the first post here!!???

Gorgemous colors here.
That ceiling looks really trippy lol.
Crap like this makes me sick. If you're going to write on walls use a grease pen that freaking comes off!!
Likely blood. Looks like they cleaned up the body parts though.
There's a story regarding the person that wrote all that for a photo shoot or something. Brain fart. Does anyone recall what it was?
Imagine how packed it was when 8000+ PTs were there.
Ditto, thanks for posting more Motts! Have a great trip to Poland!
Normally, I'd frown upon something like this - writing on the walls of an abandoned building, that is. I must make an exception here, though; it's just too beautiful.
The leaves look so alive when paired with the blandness of the walls and window. I love the colours here.
Motts was this the lockeroom or the gym.
Love the Light shining down though the ceiling Motts.
Motts Is that Paint or Blood on all the bathtub.