565 Comments for Michigan Central Station

@big_d. OUCH! That's a coldblooded thing to say to a Native of Detroit, not to mention the other cities! : ((....BTW, Motts, I'd be hesitant to walk thru this area shown in this photo. YUCK!
Very interesting, indeed!
That is an amazing building. It is reminiscent of the Colosseum.
my father says he rides past MCS everyday and he still amazed when he sees it
awesome photo
Thank you! A fine gallery. The Grand Finale is awesome! May you always be safe.
Green barbed wire? Like the candy shoe-string sweet we eat here - usually red (raspberry) or black (licorice) or yellow (fudge) This would be "gooseberry-flavored".
The Lamps! Special indeed. Like like like all of this!
You just are very brave! Indeed bold. It chills my spine just to look at it! How creepy, eerie, direful and weird it is down there. It is a good picture. Out of time.
GRAND! Exactly GRAND and splendid ! Too bad abandoned. Mystery there is no use for this magnificent building. Hard to understand.
the detail in this shot is amazing so many textures, and then the fact that your looking up adds a level of dizzynes to it. simply amazing.
Wow! That is gorgeous architechture. There is a building in Gettysburg, PA with that same window detailing. Good eye Motts!
I worked in this building during the 60's and left to finish college to later become a teacher. I worked in Expenditures and was a mail clerk as well as a numbering clerk. Finally ending up as the clerk responsible for paying the ballast accounts for the NYC. What a sad day it is to see this building crumbiing.
Its just called a hopper, they use them for all kinds of stuff. Pretty much the dumpster thing described above.