879 Comments for Buffalo Central Terminal

I'm thinking the openings over the tracks were to let the smoke out from the old time locomotives?
stay away for the stalking girls Motts! RUN!
Hey John, I bet these were used in the Baggage Subway. To my guess these baggage carts were made in the 1960s. For some reason when the building closed the baggage carts ended up the the parking garage. Each of the 7 platforms had a ramp that led to to the Baggage Subway so the Electric Baggage Handler can take luggage to the baggage car. I have a picture of an electric baggage handler that I found in the Railway Express building on the Terminal grounds. It was taken awhile back ago and I heard it was moved to a saftey garage in the building. The link to the photo I took of the baggage handler is on the bottom of this comment.

Will do!
Careful Ozzy,
Bocon'll get ya.
i like how they actuly decided to restore some of it instead of letting it rot
I am not sure if anyonr really checks this message board anymore but these were the carts that I believe were used in an underground baggage subway that left the terminal, went under the tracks to each platform where there was some kind of access door to put the baggage on the trains baggage car. I would love to see if some one could find this passage way system and post pics of it
Lurch, he's referring to the movie "SAW"

It does kind of look like something you'd see in a horror movie.
I paint in watercolor, and i would swear this was a watercolor! Very nice Motts
i live in niagara falls, which is very close to buffalo and i think you should take pictures of love canal.
The BCT is in flux right now as it appears and then disappears off the list of potential high speed rail hubs that are being proposed. If the BCT gets on the list, and the HSR plans for New York State are approved and funded, then it might be finally (!) fully renovated and opened for rail passengers. Stay tuned...
i expect zombies to come shambling out from behind those pillars...
I always come on opacity to opserve photos and leave comments. Lately I've been really busy and I havn't been on that much.
I did the investigation with TAPS too. I did the investigation on May 23rd. It was the greatest time of my life. I have to say after 4 years of working here and checking out verious floors and rooms, I thought it was not haunted. Until that night, alot of creepy stuff happened, I saw black figures, I heard somebody breathe behind me, and I saw white balls of light appear on Tony Fedeles apartment floor.
I think it may be haunted by WWII soldiers because many people entered that building to go to war and they never came back. A former employee told me that they brought there coffins back here through the building. Also an man named Tony Fedele bought the building and lived in it for awhile. He really loved the building but he was forced to move out. I he passed away 15 years ago and he may still be in the building because he cared about the building and it was his home for a long time.

Here is a picture of me and my cousin meeting TAPS. There are also many pictures of the building that I took as well.
