
fancy a perm anyone?
My mother lived at Pennhurst around 1930, she was the granddaughter of a grounds keeper. At that time, she said, both staff and residents farmed and raised pigs, chickens and crops, made their clothes and bedsheets, etc. It was like a large communal farm and my mother was not afraid of the residents and she, even though a child at the time, did not feel it was a bad place. She also helped out running errands, etc.
I visited Pennhurst in 1963 as a high school student. We saw "babies" in these cribs, some were 10-12 years old, with enlarged heads and unable even to sit up or respond. Some had smaller heads, some blind. Cribs were lined up end to end. It smelled in there. We were scared.
If left standing they will slowly crumble and sink into the ground. Others will be swallowed by the vines, which will also eventually pull them down.
I really like Mott's descriptions too. I look at the picture, come up with my own description, then scrool down to see if it matches Motts' description, and it usually does.
wrote: really horrible, i think i want a beer.
Buckykatt317, I rather disagree that places like this should be restored. I also depose their being demolished. It is places like these thatinspire the adventure in people's hearts- not to mention, look at all teh beautiful photography that's been taken.
Not a bad camera technique, I feel rather as if I'm poring at the building, unsure.
Your descriptions of things such as this never cease to remind me of the "Resident Evil" and "Silent Hill" series. Not for the horror-esque settings, persay, more like the analytical way you speculate on the state of each room, stating what has been removed, added, decayed and whatnot. All that jive.
Hmm.. Looks like I have to get going on visiting quickly, then. Jsut to join the old conversation, I'm a sensitive one, too. ::grins::
come and geddit prisoners!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christ, it looks just like belsen.
funnily enough, this puts me in mind of my bathroom.
nevermind the bucket, look at that bath type thingie!!!!!!!!! that is petrifying! (yes, i realise i have somekind of bath/loo/old tile phobia)!
now i really am scared. :(