
You wouldn't believe how many dummies think this for cremating corpses. It's filled with wire racks about eight inches apart that should tell even the morons what it was used for. There's a smaller one in the dentist's office.
The dripping water always hits the top of my beer can too, like it's possessed.
The lead singer/bassist of the Goth-a-billy band The Young Werewolves still has the head she knocked off over a decade ago. I believe it's a candle-holder these days. It's made from poured concrete with re-bar. It's heavy as Hell and requires a few people to lift it upright. Every time we do it though, some idiot knocks it over again.
What you don't see is the one piece molded vinyl bed inside this extremely tiny room. They were called "Seclusion Rooms".
This is the point where a tunnel goes underground. See how it intersects with the hill in the bottom left corner? Every building here is accessible from the inside via these tunnels.
On one occasion a friend vomitted all over the floor of a "hang-out room". The next week there was a hairy bushy mold growing up from it that looked like Billy Idol's hair!
A creative lie would've made this frightful photo a Byberry legend!
This room was set on fire some time ago. Most of the useable furniture is just about gone but there are still a few items here and there. I can remember about a dozen "hang-out" rooms that went up in flames but someone always manages to set up another one.
Godbox may be gone, but two of their members are currently in the crushing Philly Death-Metal band "Trephination". They're also responsible for the myriads of McDonald's "Double-checked" stickers everywhere there.
This is actually a pic of the infamous "Button Hallway". Notice the thousands of black plastic buttons on the floor. They lead into a textiles workshop with some of the ugliest fabrics I've ever seen.
Twisted and Demented are the words that jump out at me.
Wow this picture looks very alive... Just striking!
A poetic little symbol of the building - once alive, now forgotten and dying.
Haha I love this pic... awesome stuff Drew!
pure luck on this one wasn't even looking at the camera just instictivly pushed the shutter pic I took for the whole trip.