1,827 Comments Posted by eldokid@aol.com

I love trains too and wish they'd make a comeback. Maybe there wouldn't be so many rammy drivers on the road if more people rode the train.
I wish you had spent more time in this room. I would have like to see more of the equipment.
That chair sure get around!
Why did they make train terminals so massive, was it because the locomotives were so big?
Holy Cow! I have that movie, now I'll have to watch it tonight to see if I can spot this.
That light seems hardly big enough for this massive ceiling
I love the detail in this place
A mini Grand Central!
It's a shame that this building is going to waste (like so many others)
I think I like this shot the best! Thank you for a fine gallery and brightening my day!
At first I thought this was the back of a clock face, but churches don't usually have clocks. Really nice though anyway.
Even though I hate heights, I'm afraid I would have had to climb up there!
Beyond the beyond. . . love it!
I'll probably be struck by lightning for saying this but those angels look like drag queens!
I would love to buy an old church to rehab as a residence, but they must be a bitch to heat!