257 Comments Posted by MARIE, CMT

@Boiler 1220-It must have been fun to play that piano and reminisce the good times of being together. I love that tiger that is painted in the background-I can't get it out of my mind. It probably reminds me of when I was in Kindergarten, and I used to love to draw tigers. I drew them all the time in class and drew them well-it gave me confidence since I was a very shy child. The teacher got mad at me since I only drew tigers, but what she didn't realized is that it was a confidence booster for me in a new classroom setting. I have always loved to draw. Today, I love to draw portraits, since I find the human face so fascinating! : )
@Boiler 1220-I'm glad to hear that some people are doing OK today after being there. It's interesting that all of you were like a family and bonded together through shared experiences. Just shows how strong the human spirit is, and how we can overcome the most distressing times.
Thank you for the info, Mr. Motts.
Ephemera: The Lobotomist
Hey Mr. Motts-was the old rink still there when you explored the Pines?
@ Sharon Day-Thanks for the mention of the Pines site! This hotel must have been a great place in its day. I especially like the shot of the skating rink on the site-it's amazing how some of these old resorts had rinks in them. I would have gone there-I was a figure skater in high school-it was a lot of fun! : )
Colorful, yet scary and sad...
: (
@Vampyr-Great video! Love the arched windows; nice touch with the abandoned teddy bear at the end-Thanks for sharing! : )
@opal-you're right! Nobody should put baby in the corner...babies are meant for warmth, love, and lots of cuddling! Can you tell that I love babies?! : )
Lone wheelchairs evoke such saddness of a life of years gone by...
How omminous!
@Draven Mercer-Love the Star Wars reference! ; )
Such a shame that they let these old pianos sit and rot. They should have been removed immediately when the building closed. We had a lot of these old pianos (in good shape but some were terribly out of tune! ) in the Music Dept. at my college. They did have 2 beautiful black grand pianos as well!
It does look like something from Star Wars! The first three original films with Harrison Ford were the best! : )
I love this mural-I wish I could see it in person. I wish I could play that piano too! : ) Thanks Mr. Motts for taking this picture before all the graffiti and trash came.