46 Comments Posted by straitjacket

Nice pun. And nobody could ever get me into that thing or into the morgue. I have my reasons.
Just think...we'll all eventually end up in a morgue like this...
Tis green! Muhaha!
Being a person who likes to bake, I would like a big oven, but, because what Neefer just said, I don't want that one. I like the cold much better than the warmth, so having an oven that overheats the kitchen would drive me nuts.
I'm dead serious. I never heard of him till now, and I'm not in the generation who cares about it (sry).
Again: Harmless fun=GOOD. Fires and broken glass=BAD.
I arm myself with a knife and a legion of squirrels.
Niiice...Why the hell do they put McDonalds stickers in there I wonder...
Creepy hallway. Reminds me of all those cheesy scary movies my mom watches.
Nice pics. The other ones I've seen (not in your album or on this site) really suck, and there were a lot of almost completely black pics. Glad SOMEONE knows how to take pics.
I hate dentists. Period. Nuff said.
Damn. That's scary. Imagine how his parents must've felt.
Yeah, I left my mark in a few places (other than Byberry--never ever been there) and I don't consider it vandalism. I don't usually leave a mark, but sometimes you just have to. You guys understand, right?
Actually, I probably don't have the most depressing life. I just think it's pretty damn depressing. I was just joking around. Sorry.
I know, but there's still no way for me to get there. And I'm a girl, haha!
It would be nice to have one of those. To remind me of the horrible stuff that went on there.