20 Comments Posted by snazo

the graffiti in this picture is not done by artists, people expressing themselves, or even valdals. this graffiti is done by stupid drunk teenagers that dont even know how to hold a can. you cant even call this graffiti.... its trash. to a graff writer, graffiti is a part of there lives not just somthing they do. its a part of there lives that they leave behind were ever they go. its more than expessing them selves... its also a way to find themselves. ive been in this hospital. and iv also been to places that are only visited by graff writers. ive both seen and done what civilians call beutifull graffiti. and im sorry that this hospital was destroyed by not graff writers but bitches that dont know what graffiti is. graff can either make or brake a photo and i agree that in this case it brakes it... but atleast these idiots that did this can say that they explored the sights that were all comenting on, instead of siting on there fat asses and complaining about somthing they dont have the balls to do in the first place. but hey life is all about opinion.
the graffiti in this picture is not done by artists, people expressing themselves, or even valdals. this graffiti is done by stupid drunk teenagers that dont even know how to hold a can. you cant even call this graffiti.... its trash. to a graff writer, graffiti is a part of there lives not just somthing they do. its a part of there lives that they leave behind were ever they go. its more than expessing them selves... its also a way to find themselves. ive been in this hospital. and iv also been to places that are only visited by graff writers. ive both seen and done what civilians call beutifull graffiti graffiti. and im sorry that this hospital was destroyed by not graff writers but bitches that dont know what graffiti is.
when i was in there i couldnt figure out how to get down from the belconies... o well.
fresh pants... id probly hang myself if i had to wear those too!!!!
those paint chips look pretty damn tasty