30 Comments Posted by sarcasmforthemasses

Once again, a really expensive and useful piece of equipment is left rusting and unused. Lame.
Is that a dishwasher under the counter?
Could furnish a kitchen cabinet with all of that..
Awesome shot! And the sign is making me giggle (seen something similar posted in med rooms in modern hospitals).
Damn... those showers look really clean for having been abandoned!!
So much for HIPPA - how could all of this stuff have just been left behind?Thank you Motts for not showing the name of the patient, I think you have more respect for the patient than the people who left her file/notes there.
Wonder how many people were able to climb over those rails and take a nose dive on the floor. People can be pretty tenacious, even if they're sick or confused :(
Reminds me of a speakers hall at Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center in Bangor,ME. If DDPC ever shuts down I want Motts to check it out and post pictures!
I want those lights :(
I hope that whoever the lady was that had these things ordered for her REALLY needed them. It seems like facilities are trying to get away from the 'you're being loud/annoying/etc. so I'm going to drug you up' mentality, but there are still places out there that go for the meds before trying anything else first.
Now I have the soundtrack from "The Big Lebowski" going through my head. I'm not complaining, just sharing.
I suspect organizations are just being wasteful.. one hospital I worked for had to shut down their obstetrics unit years ago but all of the equipment and supplies for delivering babies is still there, unused. Even bigger waste when we're talking about huge pieces of equipment like the x-ray machine.
I'm shocked that was left behind!! A vent (even an old one) is worth at least a few thousand dollars - what a waste :(
I'm shocked that was left behind!! A vent (even an old one) is worth at least a few thousand dollars - what a waste :(