19 Comments Posted by sandra

a punishment/control chair...a variation of the crib theme? how easy it would have been to strap in a "problem child" and go about your day. we all want to think the best. beautiful shot.
i have a newly-diagnosed mental illness and have been hospitalized 3 times in the past three years to help figure out the best medicinal course. i have a FABULOUS doctor who always had me stay where he worked so no one else would work with me and potentially @#**! things up. i have always felt safe. however, i have seen "clients" put through like chattle and i know--having discussed this at length with my doc--that, if these cribs were available (and not frowned upon), hospitals would gladly use them. this is my first time visiting this site. although i find all these images horrifying, the adult crib was indeed the scariest. i have been able to come home after a week, unlike more people than i ever imagined, and in that week i encountered many people who have no support systems t speak of and find themselves stuck in these "modern" hospitals that are still as gut wrenchingly violent and misguided as when they were first conceived. i ramble on...thank you for this site.
absolutely the most wonderful chimney ive ever seen
nicely shot dear boy